Sunday, 24 July 2011

Posters to make crime message by SPF

Youth Rioters with Dangerous Weapons

Updates on what's happening in Singapore recently.


Advice by CPL Lim

Dear Citizen,

These are some ways to prevent from crime.

How to prevent from house breaking:
  • Make sure that your main doors and windows are properly secured with strong grilles and good quality doors.
  • Do not leave large amounts of cash in your home. Jewellery and valuable items should be kept in a bank or in a good quality safe.
  • Cancel all deliveries(eg. Newspapers, magazine) when you are away from home even if it is for a few days.
How to prevent from Outrage of modesty :

  • When returning home alone or late at night, arrange for someone to escort you home.
  • Be alert and attentive to your surroundings. If you suspect that someone is following you, proceed to a crowded area or call the police for assistance.
  • Avoid walking through quite , dark and secluded places
How to prevent from Motor vehicle theft :

  • Install an anti theft system 
  • Use additional locking devices on your motorcycle
  • Remember to take out your keys from the ignition even for a short while.
How to prevent from Robbery:
  • Avoid wearing excessive jewellery and carrying large amount of money.
  • Be alert and attentive to your surroundings. If you suspect that someone is following you, proceed to a crowded area or call the police for assistance.
  • When returning home alone or late at night, arrange for someone to escort you home.
How to prevent from Theft from vehicle :

  • Do not forget to take your personal belonging. 
  • Install an anti theft system.
  • Remove cashcard and valuable items before leaving your car,even for a short while.

For more information please contact CPL LIM Email:  / Tel: 98989898

Posters Set Up in Vic Street to prevent crime

Crime prevention is the attempt to reduce victimization and to deter crime and criminals. It is applied specifically to efforts made by goverment to reduce crime, enforce the law, and maintain criminal justice.  As the crime rate in your neighbourhood (Vic Street) is on the rise, and many of your neighbours are complaining to the police about issues such as vandalism, robberies, and shop-lifting.

Besides the issue of crimes in Vic Street, the police is also having a challenge to create public awareness about the measures implemented in the neighbourhood (especially at Vic Street MRT station) to detect and prevent terrorism. Do your part as a good citizen. Help the neighbourhood  to be a better place. Together let's fight crime.

Vandalising at Vic street

Mr JON YEN's email on a situation on vandalising that happen yesterday. 

Last night, when I was parking my car at Blk 10 level 3 multi-storey carpark, I witnessed something terrible that I could not believe it is happening. A group of people vandalising cars there with no respect to other’s property! I took some pictures of these cars that were being sprayed with paint and scratched. Hope this message is being delivered to all our neighbours to warn them about this happening!!

I really hope people can stay aware, help to keep a lookout for each other and inform suspicious characters in our neighbourhoods. You can always approach Pete, our neighbourhood policeman, you can check with him on any tips for you when parking your cars.

Mr Jon shows how badly the left door of the car is been scratched.

The back of the car was being sprayed.

The car has been splash by a white paint.

For more information please contact Nurfa at 91010110 or you may drop an email